7 Haziran 2009 Pazar


Besiktas yonetiminin FIFA kurallarindan haberi yok herhalde. Transferle ilgili duzenlemelerin 18. maddesi 3.bolumu:
"A club intending to conclude a contract with a professional

must inform the player’s current club in writing before entering into

negotiations with him. A professional shall only be free to conclude

a contract with another club if his contract with his present club

has expired or is due to expire within six months. Any breach of this

provision shall be subject to appropriate sanctions."

Tabi, "appropriate sanctions" da aba altinda sopa gostermek oluyor... Bu sartlarda tahminim Topuz ilk yariyi Kayseri'de bitirir, somestr tatilinde de Istanbul'a gelir...

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